Sunday, October 08, 2006

Maranatha, Maranatha, Maranatha

I have been appalled since I read a news report on this revenge killing of an Iraqi father and grandfather. We put guns in the hands of men of such little moral character that "I wanted to be part of the team. I wanted to be loyal," and "I knew that we were doing something wrong. I tried saying something, sir" are statements that somehow minimize the gravity of kidnapping and scapegoat killings. Better to be a murderer than a "pussy."

When I read the news, I am ashamed to be an American.

When I read the Bible, I am ashamed to be human. We were created for more.

The Prophets especially challenge and frighten me, because I see my passport's Empire in the spotlight. And I am so very, very thankful that I am a citizen of the Kingdom of God...Caesar only gets the minimum allegiance due loyalty is to an honest kingdom, a righteous king and a reign of justice and peace.

The sooner that comes to earth, the better.

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