Sunday, January 21, 2007

Retraction: Last Post

Redeeming oneself is necessary when one is "in the wrong."

I'm interested in knowing how those men and women who write the "what my boyfriend says" and "crazy things my girlfriend does" blogs actually manage to keep them going without losing sight of reality.

Because when you read over the reports, inevitably, they're um, one-sided. And as my dear, wonderful, sweet, and equally obstinate (praise God for this!) boyfriend has pointed out, redeeming himself was NOT part of his plan for our last date. Nor was it necessary, as communication problems would indicate issues on both sides. So if I want to write about it on the internet, I ought to make sure I'm not painting him with a cynical brush. Ouch. Point taken! He's right...

And I'm extremely thankful for a man that won't let me walk all over him! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a date with this very handsome Brazilian man named Tiago...


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