Thursday, October 04, 2007

On being, well, tired.

There's an attempt at a butter curry on the stove and it's 8:00 pm. I should get to eat dinner by nine, if I'm lucky.

On Saturday, my friends and I took the Servant Team out for a tour of the city and we went out to eat at a nice restaurant. I came home feeling fine. But that evening? Different story. And ever since my food poisoning/flu-like symptoms of Sunday's madrugada, I've been feeling off. Tired. Walking is a chore. I have slept more in this week than I'd like to admit publicly. And I still don't feel any better. On Monday, I nearly fainted while riding the subway. It was, in retrospect, a rather stupid decision to head downtown after being so ill, but I had a really, really good reason for going, and I don't regret it in the least! However, I think I may be ever so slightly claustrophobic...and won't be entering the subway cars during rush hour again if I can help it. I desperately wanted to get off at Central Station, but there were so many people pushing INTO the car that no one could get OUT of the car, even if they could have maneuvered their body through the sardine-can tightness. Ih...I feel sick just thinking about it!

Anyhow, I'm still a bit out of it. I'm hoping this weekend's getaway, to a beach resort-y town about an hour and a half out of the city, will help me regain my energy. At the very least, we'll be at the beach. Now, it's still spring here, so there's about an equal chance for breaking out the sweaters and jeans as there is for a bikini...but being on the water makes it all worthwhile!

Not having a lot of energy makes me a rather poor teacher at Projeto Vidinha. I fell asleep on the couch after tutoring...I awoke to several kiddie hugs and kisses...which put a smile on my face. curry is done! I'm going to give my body some good, nourishing food...and my brain is going to veg out on the internet tonight! Boa noite, all!

1 comment:

Ali Ambrosio said...

Hope you are feeling better, and many thanks for braving the subway. It was wonderful to see you!