Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Not grumpy but...

There are two horses eating the trash piled outside my house. Someone walked by and said, “Hey, how are you liking it here?” And I thought to myself, “Can’t wait to leave...” but gave her a much more courteous answer. This morning, I awoke rested and refreshed to find a bag of flour silently spilling its contents over the counters and floor, my tin of olive oil under a chair, the plastic cap and spout removed and chewed off, and a piece of something cork-ish (which I’m still trying to identify) near the door. Great. Now I have rats too. In addition to the medium sized golden whiskered cockroaches that inhabit my home ever since all these problems started three weeks ago. April just hasn’t been my month. So I cleaned up the mess and took the trash out, but I still have to remember to clean the cockroach carcass off the table. There are so many, and I don't have any napkins in the house (note to self: MUST GO SHOPPING!) that sometimes when there's no water, I just leave them there and clean them up much later, when I can clean the washcloth off. Which is really disgusting. I hope maybe the dead bodies of their comrades will have a demoralizing effect on the others, too.

Yesterday, I wrote:
I woke up this morning to the surprising sound of water. Apparently it rained last night. I heard nothing. But the water outside has nothing to do with the water that’s not coming up my pipes. Our street is still nearly water-less, and no one can tell us when that situation is going to change. I got home today from work and my telephone line isn’t working. What’s that law about how bad things always come in threes??? I can’t decide if the first bad thing was my refrigerator breaking. Because if so, then I’m safe. But if not, it means that probably my electricity is going to be cut off…

At least I pay a light bill so I can complain to someone should that happen…

Anyone have any ideas on how to raise $150,000.00 in a foreign country? Projeto Vidinha wants to buy a house. Twenty-one children and three adults don’t fit so well into a three-bedroom house…

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